Here are the last two writing assignments that I did...
I look forward to doing more and getting as much help as I can!
He could feel her eyes boring into his back. The soft sigh that escaped her lips made the hair on the nape of his neck curl up. He shivered involuntarily. He still refused to turn around. He stared more determinedly at his computer monitor and tried to gather his thoughts again. But he could still feel those eyes, those liquid brown and hooded eyes watching his every move.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested. Far from it, but as much as he wanted to give into temptation, he felt that a war was being fought here and that he needed to make some sort of stand. If only he could focus on his work.
She hadn’t gone away. Another sigh escaped her. He could feel her shift her weight from side to side. He could imagine her small compact form sitting right behind him. Patiently waiting. She knew what was going on in his head. She could wait. She knew that the moment he turned around, the moment they made eye contact…he would be hers. They had played this game many times before and the outcome was always the same. Yet he persisted in fighting it. Fighting her. Fighting her needs.
Finally, there was change, a stirring. He wasn’t getting anything accomplished. He couldn’t think. Not with her there. Not knowing she was waiting for him. Only for him. With a sigh he turned around and faced her. “Come on kitty, come sit on my lap then, you know you want to.”
That was it. He had to buy his mother a birthday present. She had already told him what she wanted. Where it was and how much. But it meant going to the department store. It meant going by THAT department. If he went by THAT department then he would HAVE to by something and then he probably wouldn’t have enough money for his mother’s gift.
His eyes slid guiltily past the closet door. The dark closet door tucked neatly under the stairs. Mother didn’t know what was in there. She rarely came downstairs anymore. Probably for the best too, he thought. He couldn’t buy anymore. Besides, what if one of his friends or even worse, one of HER friends saw him in THAT department. It was bad enough that she kept opening his mail. What if she saw his credit card statements? How could he explain it all. He couldn’t even explain it to himself.
It wasn’t sexual. He was quite certain of that. He did get a bit of a thrill when purchasing them, but who didn’t get a thrill spending money on things that they love. Did he love them? No. That didn’t quite describe it either. Did he need them? Nope, not really. Not THAT way anyway. Yearned? Desired? Those words sent confusing thoughts through his head and he could almost feel them, so soft, so supple, and so warm. Comforting. He could sense them in the closet waiting for him. Calling to him. Maybe he would just take out one pair just now. Just to help alleviate the pressure. But what if that didn’t work. What if opening the closet to that sea of kidskin and suede sent him into frenzy and he wound up needing more!
Sigh. No point putting off the inevitable then.
Later that afternoon, he stood at the door of the department store. He needed to plan his route. He could actually avoid THAT department if he chose his path carefully. He took a deep breath and strode into the bright and cheerful store filled with bright and cheerful sales clerks and slightly tarnished looking customers. Or was it the other way around. Hard to tell when everyone had that fixed false smile glued to their faces.
He took on that fixed smile and edged his way down the aisles of his chosen route to the Baggage department. His mother wanted a new Handbag. She had given him the make, colour and price, written out in her swirling handwriting on the kitchen notepaper. All was going quite well till he rounded the last bend. The aisle in front of him was blocked. Totally blocked. Middle aged women in thick coats and thicker shoes, were bunched together, all seemingly trying to push into one small space, where a slightly frightened looking young woman was standing clutching something…. Something obviously important to all these women. He could barely hear the woman over the murmuring. It was a promotion. A free gift. Manna From Heaven obviously to these folks. But it did not help him. His route was blocked and his only option was to either retrace his steps to the beginning, or walk past THAT department.
He was running out of time. He was also becoming angry with himself. He could do this. He was in control. With fists and jaw clenched he turned 90 degrees and plunged into the forbidden zone. He could SEE the handbags ahead of him. Right through that small-enclosed aisle filled with warmth and comfort. The flaccid fingers of the ladies gloves seemed to beckon to him waving their long fingers at him. Soft suede in deep purples and rich browns hung there on hooks, like hands beseeching him to hold them, rub them on his face. Wear them. Cool leathers – lamb and cowhide – fur lined or felt. Lay in smart little boxes, ready to leap out. He could feel them begging – no – demanding to be touched. Aching for fingers to slide into their warm interiors.
A sweat broke out on his brow. He had to get that Handbag. Had to. But perhaps mother would like a nice pair of kid gloves to go with it?
1 comment:
Good writing. I loved Seduction.
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