1) I started this blog to help encourage my mom to write. She is an excellent writer. Very funny and clever in both fiction and non and just needs some encouragement.
I am also hoping that I can convince some of my Scottish relatives and the new American one's to contribute.
I will keep you posted.
My mom has a lot of geneology stuff about our family and it is really interesting.
2) Adam's Betta fish Sammy seems to either have a bacterial infection or is just getting old. So prayers or vibes or whatever you can manage would be appreciated. The local pet store kindly looked him over yesterday and tested the water for us and offered what advice and 'medicine' they could. He has been swimming about a bit more...so we shall see.
I'm sending some hot karma soup right over!
I loved jthe news years post on the new blog.
to make a sticky just change the time or date, whatever to make it stay on top.
I think will also adopt this sticky note idea.
I love Scotland, my sister lives right up at the top end.
I tried that and it didn't work....like I have a post up right now that I wanted to keep at he top for a week...but by putting in the future date it won't post until that date....so do u mean I have to change the date daily?
Sorry Crunch I was responding to Bees comment to you...that is what Skittles told me as well....
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