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Friday, January 5, 2007

I wasn't going to get personal with this blog....

but really.

The LENGTHS a married couple will go to get laid.

Having a pre schooler and a toddler in the house is worse than avoiding your parents when trying to 'get some' when you were a teen!

Nuff said.

How do kids get siblings???


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well honey it depends on what you want to get some of. now if it's grits, they're good for breakfast. if it's pizza, now that's better on a friday night with a movie. now if you are trying to tell us you want to lay tile or something, well, that label should probably be construction, you see? or if you want to lay rubber, well, that is best done in an empty parking lot. see? you just have this all wrong. got that? (lordy i have to keep on these young ones all the time, poor little dumb things. they just don't get it...)

Crunchy Carpets said...

Snort.....thanks for that Bee!

SQT said...

I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Need I say more?

QuiltNut Creations said...

what amazes me more is families that co-sleep and still have more kids lol!

good luck!

DirkStar said...


I don't have much longer to enjoy the joys of childless romantic evenings...

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

Smalltown RN said...

I ditto sqt my children are all 4 years apart. Sending them to grandmas for awhile might help...

SQT said...

Grandma has saved my libido many times. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well crunchy, are you laying tile or something today? i see you are not blogging. maybe you are getting some groceries or something? sigh..... i'll wander back later, you know how i like to be entertained.

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

Oh hell - just wait until they are old enough to KNOW what exactly you are doing!

I think it gets worse as they get older - we just go around trying to pretend we've only ever done it twice. (ie: two kids)

LOL - Sorry, no help here.

kittenpie said...

Bah ha ha - I have asked this questrion more than once myself!