So while Crunchy Husband is totally horrified that I deleted Crunchy Carpets because of 'all that work'....I am ok with it.
I own the Crunchy Carpets URL...I am hoping down the road to set up my own Crunchy Carpets website without the constraints of using a 'free blog' set up like blogger.
I am excited about my community site and want to get that going as soon as possible.
I have lots of ideas and would like to see them at least started for 2007.
Crunchy Husband and I spent an hour last night working on our resolutions for '07 and basically it was to 1)make more money 2) be more proactive in our situation 3) build on our dreams and plans together. Not too bad.
So while I wait for my mighty Crunchy Carpets Empire to form, I think I will have fun with this little blog. I am going to use the 'fresh start' approach to "steal" some cool ideas from other sites....I love that Skittles has special 'theme' days...I think I will try something like that. I already like the Thursday Thirteen thing.
I am trying to get back to reading more, so I think I will try more book review type things too.
Knowing me, there is probably no way I can NOT talk about my family and my kids....but I want to stay away from the 'diary' or 'journal' feel to the blog.
I was finding it too easy to use the blog as a journal and therefore vent or rant about personal stuff based on my 'mood' of the moment and that (IMO) is too personal and too easily misread.
I am a pretty open person, but I think I need to impose some limits on myself.
I am also hoping that if I impose some more limits that I won't spend SO much time on the blog. I was finding that it was easier and more 'fun' to fart around with it and surf all the other blogs instead of doing stuff at home from housework to doing stuff with the kids.
I need to create more structure and discipline for myself. Focus a bit more on my 'real' know how it goes.
So...I will be here but am going to try to really pace myself.
Hope that all makes some sense.
The main reason I set up a blog that is subject oriented is because I knew my husband would be very uncomfortable if I made it too personal.
I'm kind of private anyway, though I don't mind telling 'my story', I prefer to keep my kids mostly anonymous.
There are days though.... You know what I mean, when something is just gnawing at you and you want to share and get some feedback. Those are the days that I toy with the idea of a personal blog. But so far I've been able to satisfy myself with my fun, mindless one.
so far so good crunchy! keep on, you have my attention my dear..... bee
good for you. love the new digs. can't wait to see what you come up with next.
I'll be listening!
Hey Crunchy - I wondered where the heck you were!!
Glad to see you back up and running:-)
Happy New Year, btw!
It's funny about whether or not to go personal on a blog. I go personal on one hand, but on the other I tell very little about my current relationship.
Of course, my current relationship is wonderful. Maybe people only want to read us when we are miserable. Then again, we know that good writing comes from conflict.
Good Lord, woman - there you are! We thought you'd been unpleasently overtaken by some sort of vile internet domain-name bazaar-style kidnapping scam. Thank heavens not. We quite understand your over-blogging concerns, and we find your new abode positively swell (and not only because 'swell' is one of our words of the new year). Drop by Ht,S anytime you feel the need to rant in the manner most personal.
Crunchy...I like what you are doing...a little of this and a little of that...right on....and I like your goals....
looking forward to the community blog....
cheers my friend...
and by the was trying to snow here yesterday while I was trying to do that Polar Bear was Brrrrrr.....
Happy New Year!
And now that I know where you are I'll be back to see what develops in 2007.
Good luck for 2007.
When you want to get started again, try out WordPress-you'll love it.
I've just written a couple of articles on getting started with it, if you fancy a read, let me know & I'll mail them to you.
Take care.
Great new look, it is clean and fresh looking.
Blogging is addicting, even more so when start looking around at all the great ideas out there. The last few weeks has been so busy I haven't had the time to do my usual browsing but I do believe a good mixture is good for a blog.
Keep up the great work and I am sure you will find a happy balance in 2007!
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