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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Who Blogs and Why?

HBM and her mom stirred up quite the discussion all over the net these last few days.

The words 'Narcissism' and 'Privilege' have been thrown out there and the reactions and discussion has been really amazing.

Life of Pie sums it up the best, so I will let you read her take on it.

It boils down to judgements and perspective I think.

True. We in the Western Civilization where computers are affordable or accessible and the concept of freedom of speech is still more fact than propaganda ARE lucky and more privileged than others.

And how the hell is it spelled? I always went with Priviledge but I guess I am totally wrong and Privilege is right!!

Anyway....I don't really think Bloggers DO fit into one class. Not here or in the rest of the world.

As soon as free services like Blogger, and Wordpress showed up, you opened the opportunity to have a website to ALL not just those willing to spend money on hosting and web design and development.

With computer prices getting lower and lower and more and more people of all stripes surfing the net.....gone were the days of techie elitism.

So who blogs?
Everyone? Everyone with access to a computer that is. And anyone with the inclination.

I don't think it is all navel gazing.
There are all kinds of blogs out there.

Parenting blogs get picked on a lot because we are not supposed to be so angst or whiney or even have the TIME to blog if we are parents.

Others get picked on because they use their blogs as journals.

People seem to be affronted that we might want to share or that people might want to read our opinions.

I love it.

I love that the world is a smaller place because of the internet.
I love that we can read personal perspective on issues we see in the news.
I love that we can find other people with the same values or ideas or humour.
I love that we can be entertained.

I love that the internet IS for all and not controlled by governments or corporations (yet).

I blog because it keeps my brain working and helps me focus on my world.
I read blogs because it is better than the tv and better than the papers.

I feel that I am communicating with people.

What a gift.

Why do you blog?


whimsical brainpan said...

Therapy. And you are right everyone blogs for their own reasons. Saying that everyone blogs for the same reason is like saying everyone is the same. Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I like to blog cause I can't read my own handwriting...so I can type. Errr, my typing sucks too hehehe. I use it to vent and clear my head. I like to because it is MINE and I MADE it. It is enjoyable, it is time to myself, and I can read(one of my loves)about other's perspectives, their lives, their triumphs and heartaches and it is more REAL than reality Tv(ugh).I don't mind that people will read it. Even though we won't meet,it is a way of connecting. Thats the main reason.

Anonymous said...

DUH me! I thought you had deleted this blog for the other one! Man oh man I have a lot of catching up to do!

Callie Ann said...

I love it. I love reading and commenting on other blogs. It is a new kind of friend. I keep family and friends update with the happenings in my life. I have new friends now. I have had a blog for a year and a half and have just started venturing out and meeting other the last few months. It parellels real life so much. amazing. thanks for asking. Callie in Oregon

Robbin said...

Because it makes me happy! I really don't give a hoot who reads it or not although I love hearing from people. I do it because it brings me happiness and I'm all for happiness!

Barb said...

Your blog is too smart for me now lol! I luvs ya anyway :)

Mom O Matic said...

I love writing and I love getting feedback on it. I started blogging cause I felt like my head was going to explode if I didn't start putting some of it down on paper. Now I just love the people who visit and comment. I think about them during the day, it's odd! But I love it.

AmyM said...

It has developed over the past year out of my lifelong musical obsession. I get clarity after I write and it gets me to research and learn more about the music. I include the lyrics because I never can remember them.