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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Do Left Leaning Folks See More Truthiness in Things?

Check out The Wonder Years who found this report on a 'study' done!

I mean really...who watches Fox News....and not just for a laugh.
I have read on some sites that people think that Fox is the most NON BIASED news source out there!!!!

There are bloggers out there who have branded me some sort of traitor for not agreeing with them on the wonders of Fox and Bill O'Reilly and their take on Bush and the War!

When Fox thinks that our own crazy Canuck is a good candidate...you gotta wonder.

I love Steve Colbert.


Brian J. Hong said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

I have a question: Why are your ramblings crunchy?

Crunchy Carpets said...

Lol..my ramblings are crunchy because in my other world I am crunchy carpets.....I have verrry crunchy carpets due to my children, cats and dog.

this is my site to talk non kids stuff!

Angela said...

And now I understand why your carpets are crunchy!! How cute!! :) And of course I still like you!! :) I never let politics OR religion stand in my way of making new friend!! :)

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I struggle with the division between left and right. Sometimes I think that it is too destructive that we allow ourselves to be categorized. What happens, in my opinion, is that we allow ourselves to be manipulated on marginal issues, or at least on one issue or another, and while we bicker about something, the forces behind the nonsense screw us. However, it is hard not to participate in the divide. I do it myself all the time.

I believe the real danger in the world is the development of the multinational corporation. They have no loyalty to any border, people, belief...they are loyal to money. Dangerous.

I tend to believe that the right wing should be renamed. I call them CORPORATISTS. The Corporatists want the wars, they believe the marketplace will really keep everyone safe because the corporations will never do anything to hurt people.

Okay, I'll stop trying to be intellectual about this. Let me just say: Ann Coulter, Bill O Reilly, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Michelle Malkin....anybody who could think these people are intelligent and thoughtful are not welcome at my dinner table.

Alex said...

Those questions are obviously left-biased. First of all, there's only one type of muslim - the kind that wants good, old-fashioned, red blooded Americans dead. Second, the only people who know who Dick Cheney is are the folks who are still making fun of him about hunting accidents, the unpatriotic bastards! Everyone knows the veep should be neither seen nor heard until the prez gets shot somewhere in Texas.

Third, what was the final question? Probably something about affirmative action, or silly ideas about women voting. Pfft!

As for Stew, I doubt anyone thoughtful or intelligent would have any desire to hold a conversation with someone so closed-minded (over dinner or not). Political beliefs are just that: beliefs. Knowledge has nothing to do with politics. In fact, the more knowledgable you are, the less likely you are to engage in such trivial affairs as contemporary politics, and the more likely you are to make fun of those who do (see above).


Brillig said...

I saw you comment on absolutely bananas and had to come say "hi" because Crunchy Carpets is one awesome name.

And I absolutely agree with you. The only person who really does the news correctly is Steven Colbert...

Pendullum said...

During the last US election, the only thing that made it barable for my was watching Jon Stewart bringing in the results...

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Alex knows as much about politics as he does about science fiction and fantasy, I see. Don't worry Alex, I still love your racist, homophobic right wing, narrowminded ass.

Alex said...

At least I'm able to discuss a point without strings of ad hominem arguments. If you're so open-minded, then you would realize there are other viewpoints, and that differences of opinion don't necessarily make others bad people.

When was it that the left-wing hippies turned into fascists, anyway? I don't need to agree with you, Stew, to have a valid point of view, and all the name-calling in the world won't prove your point.

Crunchy Carpets said...

Alex...if you really think that about Muslims then I am very disappointed.

That would like me saying all Americans are ignorant rednecks....