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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I am Boggled by this.....

Really I am...

And Skippy was too.

Apparently people are pissed (US people are pissed) that someone running their OWN country would decide what to do with their OWN oil.

Not only that but who they want to sell it to....the nerve!

This is my favorite quote..."Chavez is playing games with our country’s oil supply and, ultimately, American consumers. Chavez has made it clear he wants China to be Venezuela’s biggest oil customer, instead of the United States. Such a policy,artificial market manipulation when you think about it, would likely drive prices up. "

Don't the American Oil companies do this anyway? Isn't that what most big business does? Isn't that what most big corporations do and their governments pat them on the back for it because it keeps the economy humming?

Is this just because a country might not LIKE the US? Might not want to do business with them and instead focus on another super power?

Chuck around all the rhetoric and propaganda you like...this all boils down to business and money.


Oh and apparently some people really dislike this Code Pink organization. I had actually never heard of them till reading some right winger blogs about it. Apparently they are in the pocket of dangerous commies and even Iraqi insurgents.

Apparently you are a wacko and a traitor to the US for even breathing the words 'impeach' even though it is fact and not fiction regarding the many laws he and his cronies have broken while in office.

But hey...I am just a pinko commie Canadian.
What do I know!?


Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I agree with you entirely. I am alarmed at the imperialistic behavior of the U.S. citizenry when it comes to oil. It should instead motivate us to come up with something else.

Tell me Crunchy, how did two lefties like you and me end up commenting regularly on Angela's blog?

Alex said...

I've been in canada for a while now, doing my grad work. My experiences here have led me to believe that when it comes to American politics, Canucks should be neither seen nor heard.

To politely remind you of your own point, you seem so shocked that the US citizenry would want to be involved in the affairs of another state, but you use this argument as an entree into the topic of US politics, so you can state your own opinion. It's such a major controversy when the US gets involved in foreign politics, but when canadians speak out, it's for the best interest of the world, obviously.

Isn't this a case of the gander calling the glass houses black? Or however that saying goes. =)

Crunchy Carpets said...

Alex sweetie....if you have been in Canada for a while..you will see what it is like have a rather large and pushy neighbour is like.

Canadians speak out about what they see from their southern neighbours because if the US sneezes we are the one's covered in snot.

Americans need to realize that we all don't want to be like America. That we don't always share the same views as America and it's governing bodies.

That being the most powerful country means not always that we all ooh and aah..but instead we fear or don't like being pushed around.

American Democracy is not for everyone.

The world does not want to be like you.

I know America feels that we should all be continuously grateful to them for their wealth...you all seem surprised by the animosity.

And Canadian foregin policy has made mistakes too..but we haven't been invading countries or try to dictate who shares their oil with who.

Canadians are known for being peacekeepers around the world...and peacekeepers that don't come with a terrible price.

DirkStar said...


We're trying to sleep in America.

Don't wake us from our ignorant slumber.

Princess Banter said...

Sometimes... ignorance can be bliss. But other times... this ignorance can be taken one level higher... or one level too dangerous ;)

Smalltown RN said...

I get so tired of the Bush administration bullying everyone....it's funny the Americans are whinning about their oil be sold or controlled....that is exactly what they are doing to us Canadians and our oil in Alberta....somebody tell me what's the difference....it's ok for them to bully but when someone fights back..they are the bad guy.....oh give me a break...

As far as the code pink....well I guess I am as pink as they get...but please don't bring the crash cart yet.....

Alex said...

I never said you had to stop squawking about America, Crunchy (good luck getting any Canadian to do so). I merely asked that you cut Americans some slack when they do the same thing Canadians do every day (i.e. criticize the foreign policies of another nation).