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Saturday, May 12, 2007

This type of thinking scares me...

What a nice scapegoat....From this site...

"Is our gas $$ funding the terrorists?

The gas prices here in Omaha were all the way up to $3.09 a gallon. I haven’t checked the prices in the last couple of days but they are predicting that it will get all the way up to $4.00 per gallon.

We are changing how we do things around here in our house. We can not afford to have to pay approximately $100.00 each and every time we fill up at the pumps. (That’s just a rough estimate of where this is probably going to go).

I am setting it up so that we run our errands once a week instead of every other day or so. The very last place to hit on the list will be the grocery store’s cold items for the freezer and the refrigerator. That will take care of the cold stuff.

Where we live we are close enough to the stores that we can walk, ride a bike, grab the jogging stroller in order to pick up items that do not need to be refrigerated. I can invest in one of those big plastic red wagons from the home depot to tote the kids around in if I need to.

It is my understanding that our gas $$ may be going towards funding the terrorists. This has to stop and we as American Citizens need to put our foot down and request that we be able to drill for our own oil so that we are not dependent on terrorists to fill up our tanks."

Are we going to blame everything now on the danged crazy Muslim folks!

In Canada the Oil Companies have been reporting RECORD profits.
These companies are not owned by terrorists...they are Canadian and American companies.....they have already admitted that their dire forcast for lower productivity after Katarina never came to pass..but they set their prices like it did.

Vancouver has been paying around $1.26 a litre. They have said they will charge what the market will bear and being that Vancouverites seem to put up with a lot of overpriced crap....here we are.

The big mega corporations of the world must love it. They used to get blamed for the ills of the world..now you just point fingers at the terrorists and everyone goes 'aaaah....THOSE evil bastards.'

Are we going to blame Global Warming on the terrorists now....is this their next evil plot?


Angela said...

Come on Crunchy... you can do better than that... can't you? Isn't it all President Bush's fault?

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Angela...it isn't all Bush's fault..he isn't smart enough. Seriously. He is a pawn of the corporations. He does their bidding.

Do you know what I recently discovered that I didn't know? Condi Rice was recruited by Cheney from a board position on Chevron. Isn't that remarkable? Is it any wonder that our government has been pushing the Iraqi parliament to pass a law that would give western companies seventy percent of the oil profits of that country for the next twelve years? SEVENTY PERCENT.

Yes, the oil sales do go to profit terrorists. They're called international corporations.

Angela..I have given you facts. If you respond..please give me facts to back up your arguments as well. And if you want me to cite where I get my information from..check out that lefty rag: The Wall Street Journal.

Anonymous said...

angela does not know how to deal with facts, she deals with hyperbole ad-hominems and jognoistic chauvenusm.... might as well argue with a wall. and if you look at her site yet again, they even make fun of what you write here... these morons are so thick, think global warming means it should get warmer, and if that doesn't happen in their little corner of omaha or whatever hicksvill burg, then it doesnt exist. they think global warming is "Environazis" trying to deal with refineries... what a bunch of brin/spineless losers, sorry, but there is no reaon to waste time with angela ptg or any other right-wnig circle-jerkers, they are totally out of it. Too bad you don't need to pass an IQ test before voting... or gettin a blog

..oh yeah and that stupidity of their gas dollars going to terrorists??? PUHlease most oil that amerikkkans like angela use comes from Canada, Venezuela and other non-terrorist sponsoring countries... if they want to care about wh funds terrorists, they oughta check out how much $$$ the US Gov has given to the ISI (wh funded Mahammed Atta) and who let all the taliban fighters fly out of afghanistan.... they ought to be doing their homework (but of course they hate to have to think) and really understand how the worls works..... but like i said, better off talking to a wall