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Friday, June 15, 2007

Another Reason This Pisses Me Off

....the blame the individual for destroying our planet...yadda yadda....
Yes we do waste energy and on and on....

But am I the one sending myself massive amounts of junk mail that I just scoop up and shove in my recycling box?

Does this procedure mean something? Would the world end if there was NO JUNK mail and me doing this little job every single day???

The amount of paper and glossy card and heavily inked and coloured stock that gets turfed out is obscene.

The energy expended and waste produced by producing all this garbage is what is burning up our resources.

All these industries created by a culture of largess and excess.

Junk mail serves no purpose. What I mean is ..it doesn't feed us. It doesn't provide us shelter....there is no actual NEED for it.

And I am sure there are far better alternatives for advertising their wares than this old and outdated mode.

Would not our postal workers rejoice if they didn't have all this junk to lug around?


Rositta said...

Hi, I hate junk mail too...just put a note on your mailbox and you won't get any. I'm not crazy about it either but recognize that if their products don't sell then their businesses won't last and that in turn will create unemployment. What's the solution, beats me, but by maybe consuming less we could help the planet...ciao

Anonymous said...

ugh! don't get me started! I live right on the border of two cities so get FOUR local newspapers. The amount of fliers in each is absolutely HORRIFYING and there are always at least two of each flier in each paper. I've cancelled the papers so many times, but they still end up on my doorstep. I will be putting a sign up stating NO NEWSPAPERS!

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Junk mail, spam, phone calls...it's amazing what we surrender to the corporations under the guise of their right to a first amendment. However, the constitution of the United States only refers to people, not to corporations.

sybil law said...