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Monday, June 4, 2007


I don't usually do those over here..but Angela tagged me at this site..so what the heck.

The object of the game is to blog “8 Random Facts About Myself”. Here are the rules:

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog

- I ain't tagging people....consider yourself TAGGED if you are reading this and you want to share some stuff!

- I am also going to try to keep mine in keeping with this blogs 'theme'

1. During my formative years I was very apathetic towards politics. This despite being surrounded by friends who partook in model parliaments and had one friend RUN for Premier!

2. My irritation towards the stupidity and corruption I see around me is slowing building up inside me to the point where I will have to do more than just bitch. And I don't mean become a vigilante..though that is tempting....I am thinking about running for city council and or starting my own charitable organization.

3. My creative writing has ground to a complete halt. No ideas even....sad.

4. I KNOW I don't give this site enough attention. This is the tricky one. The parenting stuff is easy to talk about. WetCoast is my other baby and I want to see that one grow. This stuff is trickier.

5. I find it hard to read and research the world's going on when my kids don't even let me hear the local news. I feel a sense of accomplishment from just reading the daily paper in one day.

6. I am really scatterbrained.

7. I love a great debate and try to not take them too personally...but feel I am not informed enough to pack a punch.

8. I am NOT Anti American! How could I be with so many on the blogosphere that I consider to be friends...not to mention all the real life buddies too!

1 comment:

Smalltown RN said...

run for politics Crunchy....it's not easy...but if you feel compelled to do it then you should. I have always enjoyed your blog...but now that you have WCW I find I can catch up with you there....you have so much to say..and say it all so very well....don't stop writing....