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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Greetings old and new friends

I am sure the old friends are a bit befuddled by my sudden disapearance yesterday.

After upsetting my husband twice over posts that I thought were perfectdly innocent I decided that while I have LOVED my blog, my relationship with him was more important.

So I deleted it. The whole thing.

I thought I would be REALLY upset over it..but strangely I am not. I am sad about it, but also know it was the right decision. I need to focus on my real life too.

However, be dammed if I am going to abandon the blog world all together. I am having too much fun and have made too many friends, who I hope to find again..or that they find ME again!

So I am going to scale back on the family stuff. There are lots of other things about ME that I can explore.

Two things that are really important to me is SQT's Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin Blog and Stewart Sternberg's House of Sternberg.

The first because I LOVE talking sci fi and fantasy with such a fun crew.

The second because Mr. Sternberg has given me the encouragement and permission to take his fun 'Writing Assignments' to hone our literary skills. I have done two of them and thoroughly enjoyed the process and the discussion that surrounds everyone's contributions.

This is good for me. I will post the two short stories I have already done when I dig em up from Word.

I have not given up the personal or 'mommy' blog. In fact I am working on and hopefully launching very soon Wet Coast Woman . This is going to hopefully be a meeting place for all the women bloggers lurking on BC's WestCoast.....you know who you are! So stay tuned.

So this new incarnation.....new for the NEW YEAR and all that.....will be a bit more esoteric. I think I am going to try and cover more issues and ideas, opinions and so forth.

I think I will still do the 'Inside the Brain of Adam'....people get a kick out of it and it cracks me up too.

I do hope this doesn't upset people.

I apologize to all the people who have linked to me.
I apologize to all the people that I have advertising 'deals' set up with.

I am sorry for the abruptness of it all.

I am sure people feel that I could have just 'edited'...but it just felt right for me to just sweep the old away.

I lay awake for hours last night thinking about this and realizing that it was the right thing to do and that I felt ok about it.

So. On with the new.

Happy New Year.


SQT said...

No worries. I will simply add the new blog to my blogroll and delete the old one. Easy as that. I'm just glad you're still blogging.

Crunchy Carpets said...

Thanks..yeah..I thought about it and I think this is the best compromise.

I am having too much fun!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hi crunchy! see i found you! and if i can find someone anyone can find you....

don't know what is going on, then don't care. just want to read your blog, okay? will link this one. smiles....bee

QuiltNut Creations said...

glad to see you back crunchy! happy new year to you too!

Smalltown RN said...

hey crunchy I am right there with you...I can change your addy no problem...just keep writing I am waiting for the westcoast site...ok!!!

Happy New Years!!

DirkStar said...

Wow, I never thought your site was anything but wholesome.

I'll change the link...

Happy new Year!

Barb said...

Wow.. I am stunned. That someone would delete a blog that was so well done and popular. I sure never would be able to do that!

I understand your reasoning behind it though and I wish you the best of luck here... and I'm glad you didn't just disappear!!!

Happy New Year!!!

DesLily said...

Happy New Year and good luck with the new blog!.. new year/ new blog.. not so bad huh?!

Crunchy Carpets said...

As long as my friends still drop by for a visit, I will be happy.

I need to find balance and explore what I want out of the blog world.

And who knows...the phoenix will rise again!

whimsical brainpan said...

Damn woman I thought I'd lost you!

Glad you are still blogging although I didn't see anything wrong with your old blog I do like the layout of this one better.

Anonymous said...

I wondered where you had gone! My RSS feed just kept telling me about micro pillows or something.

It's your blog, you do what you want.

Or were you just trying to get away from us ;-)

claudemarie said...

Kerry, I deleted mine for the SAME reason..and I just started to get into it! Then all of a sudden it was "why do you have to write everything about us? Please don't put the kid pics up for everyone to see PLEASE!" I deleted mine.I don't get it...but there you go. Glad to see you are still going to continue!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Wow, I'm glad I found your new blog! I've missed ya. :) I'm adding your new link to my blog.