I thought it might be fun to talk about the blogs that I love or blogs that I have just found. Share the wealth so to speak.
A few of you out there are familiar with MyBlogLog. It is essentially a community building site. A place where you can make contacts and links and find new blogs.
It is a nice idea. It focuses more on community instead of traffic building and rankings.
I have met some very interesting characters there and they have some fun widgets to add to your site. They have a free subscription and then a paid one where, I assume, you get more access and fun stuff to play with.
Through there this AM, I was sent a message to check out MySiteProfile.
This is a new site eager for new membership. Again, this appears to be a networking, community building site that focuses on Bloggers, Web Designers, and so on.
You can totally customize your profile page. And they have a contest for the nicest design. They have a mini blog section you can set up. Forums, groups, friends and much more. I have just started to explore this.
I like the layout and design of this site. I think people in the 'biz' and people starting out could have a lot of fun here and make some good contacts if enough people join up. It offers yet another place to promote yourself and your site and build up linkages and so on without the competitive feel of some of the rankings sites.
Check em out. Tell me what you think!
well let me go see about it! bee
I visited and signed up to check it out.
There is already a My Space...
Yes, the creater of it made ton's of money when it sold.
Now we are seeing tons of clones hoping to strike it rich too.
How many sites can one individual reasonable handle before home, work and family begin to suffer?
People will visit a blog because the content is good...
All the so called Blog support sites do is take visitors away from your site and develop business for themselves. They could care less about the success of your blog, they are only interested in dollars filling their own pockets.
I'll check it out.
I thought the MySiteProfile message was just spam, so I didn't bother checking it out..
I love MyBlogLog :)
Thanks for he kind words. Your blog is great:)
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