And while I wait for Crunchy Husband to leave the bathroom so I can finish drying my is my instalment.
For this week, I scrolled up and down my blog roll with eyes closed and ended up on this one.
What do I say about Puntabulous!? No really.....what DO I say about Puntabulous???
I love the man....and the gamine young lady that has joined the ranks there....Olivia. She is far to witty and droll for her age.
These two have waaaay too much fun and waaaaay too much time on their hands. Their photo-debates will attest to that. Specially the 'Which Disney Princess is the biggest Hoochie Mama!'
Super Viagra is just disturbing...again a troubling if humorous look into the mind of Mr. Puntabulous.
I am still wondering when he actually works! Though we have photos of that too!
The site is just plain fun. They are both very frank and very open and their self depricating humour is wonderful and refreshing.
With all or not, you have to like THAT sort of humour.
Me, I want Craig to move to Vancouver because I have the PERFECT man for him.....and plus for the entertainment value alone!
Hey! That's really really nice!
I think you and this perfect man should move to New York so that I may woo him while being silly with you.
I think that's a perfect idea. :-)
What a great site! Thanks for sharing it with us. :-)
crunch i went to read and got all involved and almost forgot to come back here and comment!! thanks for the great site! bee
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