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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Web 2.0....is it better?

The new web or web 2.0 seems mainly to be about making money. Profit seems to be taking over content.

Exaggeration, perhaps...but when you find sites like Digital Point, that host forums where people look for and sell their writing services for sites that need content, you gotta wonder.

Sites like Digital Point cater to the gajillion sites that are there purely for the ads...and there mostly for Google Ads. At least then they are not stealing content.

Another thing that has sprung up and is sort of creepy being that each site looks exactly the same, is money making websites, or sites about SEO, etc.

They all seem to worship at the feet of John Chow and aim to mimic the very look of the website.

wotZcool.com is an example of the clone blogs. There are many more I could link to, I picked these purely because I had found them either through MyBlogLog or SpiceyPage. And yes, thanks for visiting guys. I am intending no insult here.

I mainly find it fascinating. For personal bloggers who also dream (mostly) of earning revenue from their blogs, they work hard at design and themes. They want to stand out, they want to be remembered. For this lot, the effort seems to be to be as similar as the guy next to you and, what? Hope that their luck brushes off onto you?

Are these sites making money? Who knows. John Chow claims to and thus his following.

But how many sites can we have on the same topic, linking to other sites with MORE tips and tricks on blog optimization, that for these guys seems to mean, talk about blogging, talk about ads, talk about traffic? And when does it get boring......how much money CAN be made from these types of site?


Mags said...

I never tried the PPP or sites like these because I am afriad that I'll get either greedy or bored with the pressure of having to post. I post daily now, but think if I *had* to post I wouldn't want to...

I am curious though, how much someone could make...

DirkStar said...


How many P.P.P. blogs do we really need?

Is life nothing but commerce?

And then these blogs have every known security process on the site making it near impossible to comment upon anything.

As I watch the phenom growing I have to say this, the more I see PPP on a blog, the less visitors i start seeing at the blog...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the publicity. Actually your link was my first external link as I was only starting my blog at that time. Where as I openly state that I would like to make money from my blog, I also mention that its a novices quest to develop a blog. If you wanted to follow my blog you can see quite clearly that I am slowly writing about a series of subjects that interest me and related to where I live, as well as articles related to blogging and money making online. I openly mention that it was an article about john Chow that got me started, nothing to be ashamed of, somebody or something had to initiate your blogging interest as john Chow did for me. PS. No insult was taken, great blog and keep writing.