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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Creeping up to 2007

It is not even quite 8 pm yet.

The kids have had one glass of pop and are climbing the walls.

Otherwise...it is very subdued at the house of crunch.

And I mean should ANYONE really celebrate the New Year these days?
Or is it more of a "we survived the previous year" kind of party...seeing the old year out with style.

Maybe that is it.

World wise it has not been a good year.
Global politics are a mess.
People are dying.
The environment seems to be crumbling around us.

On the home front....locally, we have a city in denial over the homeless situation. Nobody can afford to buy a home in Vancouver anymore. Apparently a home can suck up to 64% of your income and that is ok according to the money lenders.

Our whole city is focused on the 2010 Olympics...apparently there is no existence for us after that.

I worry about the world our children will face. I mean, in all probability it won't be much worse than it is today and they will be grumbling and worrying the same as we do.

We can hope.

On a personal level 2006 wasn't that bad. Our family has had fun. We have done ok.
Our kids are happy. We muddle along. We accomplished some goals and others are tantilizingly dangling oooh so close.

I have enjoyed blogging and meeting all the amazing bloggers out there.

I will hopefully continue to do so!

So.....raise a glass to us all.

Happy New Year.


QuiltNut Creations said...

Happy New Year to you as well Crunchy. we are celebrating tonight-just not in the mood this year

SQT said...

World wise it has not been a good year.
Global politics are a mess.
People are dying.
The environment seems to be crumbling around us.

The way I look at it, this is pretty much always the case. I grew up in California and the legends of the Wild West were very familiar. Now that was a violent time.

Politics are politics and having grown up with the cold war and the ever present threat of nuclear annihilation, nothing really phases me anymore.

It'll get better or worse whether I want it to or not, so I plan on celebrating. My kids are healthy and so am I, that's reason enough for me.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well, i left a comment and it disappeared, sorry!

happy new year my friend, here is to getting to know you better in the coming year..... bee

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

I like the new place.

DesLily said...

Here's wishing you and your family a healthy and laugh filled New Year... like you said, we can always hope!!