I live in Vancouver. It is a beautiful and scenic part of Canada. We have mountains and we have the sea and we have pretty mild weather too.
Until lately.
This winter we have been lashed by windstorms. Sometimes with hurricane force gusts.
There has been much damage, from downed power lines, to trees through roofs, and the worst visible damage....the damage to Stanley Park.
Stanley Park has always been marketed as the Jewel of our city. A great hunk of forest in the heart of the city. And for the tourists and those lucky enough to live close by or afford the parking, it is indeed a gorgeous place to visit.
And yes, the storm has caused some major damage and it has been very sad to see ancient trees turned to match wood in a blink of an eye. Some of these monsters were over 500 years old.
But what has set me off is that one of our local TV stations is doing a 'Save Stanley Park Fund.' They are looking for donations to give to our city and the Parks Board to 'fix' the park. And yes, I am sure a lot of things will cost a lot of money. The seawall is damaged. Roads are torn up, some of the venues are no doubt in need of repair. The lost revenue for the restaurants and concessions must be fairly high.
But isn't that what contingency funds are for? Is that not what a good chunk of our taxes goes to?
Is there not a budget for emergencies?
Right now our city is suffering its version of a 'deep freeze.' This mean emergency shelters are being opened to help the people who live on our streets and, no doubt, in Stanley Park. These people need blankets, clothing, food, shelter.
Right now organizations like The Anti Poverty Committee are fighting our City Hall and our corrupt Mayor in order to bring attention to those most unfortunate in our city. Thanks to events like the 2010 Olympics, our City is quite worried about getting rid of the 'problem' of homelessness. Thanks to events like the 2010 Olympics and the 'worry' about Olympic 'villages' and so on, social housing in Vancouver's new developments like the South, East False Creek area was cut to make it more desirable to developers.
Once again, those on the bottom of the food chain are being shafted.
And what is our local news covering? 'Save the Trees' and 'What are the right tires to use in the winter!' Not one story about the homeless and how they are dealing in this weather.
Instead we watch banks like the HSBC hand over $300,000 to the Park. And watch our local millionaire Jimmy Pattison double it.
Add this to the footage of the yuppy joggers crawling under downed trees and taped of areas because whatever happens 'don't ruin my run!' You begin to get the idea that Vancouverites might be a tad flakey and perhaps a bit out of touch with reality.
Trees fall down. It is nature. Stanley Park is not a Disney Land theme park. It was supposed to be a little bit of nature protected for the city residents to enjoy. It SHOULD remind us about nature and help us remember to RESPECT nature and all that entails...including wind storms.
I would also like to know what the Parks board budget gets spent on. I would like to know what our Mayor does with the money we so kindly donate to this 'fund.'
I imagine the homeless are so grateful we are going to such efforts to save the park.
Was thinking about the same thing.....the damn trees will grow back. The damn animals will adapt. The damn roads and wall can be fixed without the damned TELETHON.
What a bunch of crap...nature has a way of renewing, that has been working for millions of years, and it has NOTHING to do with help and money from us destructive humans.
irritates me to no end.
Yes - isn't the weather freaking freaky?? I live on the Toronto area and we've had the creepiest warm weather ever! A few nice sunny non-frozen days is lovely, but a week of temps around 10 C is NOT RIGHT. The golf courses opened last week for the first time EVER in January, and a local ski hill just laid of 1,300 people for lack of snow.
I'm so much more aware of weather patterns after having seen 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Now I'm scared for the my children's future!
oops - that should have said 'in the Toronto area'. I also meant to voice concern over the wicked storms in BC!
"Once again, those on the bottom of the food chain are being shafted."
They always do. It's like what Billie Holiday sang:
"Them that's got shall get
them that's not shall lose
so the Bible said
and it still is news..."
The problem is that people can be swept under the rug. A park is out there for everyone to see. Appearances are everything.
get out of my head Crunchy. its ridiculous. and the amount of people crying in the park because of the damage but don't cry over the homeless people freezing to death. where are our priorities??
I wondered if one of you LMD'ers was going to post on this topic.
We were watching about it the other night, and dh commented that they should have more than enough $$$ from hauling all those trees out of there! The lumber alone would be worth many, many thousands!
Yeah, I'm with you there on the screwed up priorities.
that's where it gets worse Kai. enviromentalists are already saying the logs should be left in the park to continue the natural cycle of when a tree falls and than there is the other side that want to sell the logs to make money to repair everything.
Well quilt...I think the evironmentalists are right. Trees have fallen for millions of year and with that they rejeuvant the ground nature rebuilds its self...If this happend in the Pacific Rim park those trees would be left rigth where the fell or any other provincial park. But because it is Stanley Park a park right in the middle of the city, they think they should remove the trees. If the some fallen ones cause a safety hazard then yes...otherwise leave them alone.
Now crunch...I couldn't agree with you more. Where is the contingency fund for this. Why the heck are we canvassing the public for money...and Jimmy Patteson..oh don't get me going on that man...he doesn't go anything unless it lines his pockets.
Great post crunch....
sorry for all the typos....gosh that is what I get for posting at this hour.
I think they need to decide what sort of park Stanley is.
I mean..it isn't like the Pacific Rim or a provincial park..it really is a city park with a lot of trees.
A LOT of people use it for more than hiking and so on.
I think they should sell off a good part of the lumber and sure leave the rest for 'nature.'
But really..people go to there for the aesthetics more than 'nature.'
Stanley park represents the stereotypical image of Vancouver and the Lower Mainland...we should leave SOME of it as a good education to people. ...but lets get real about how people really treat and view the park.
Mostly, very selfishly. And not really looking at the big picture and er..reality?
that's exactly it Crunchy
I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the news!
It is amazing when you see the damage that has been done to the park, but it is also a well used park so with the damage the chances of new growth is slim. Park funds have been cut just like anything else, but I thought that was why they put PAY parking to help with paying for the added expenses of the park.
The city does have to look at what Stanley Park is - and how they will deal with the damage - and costs not only now but in the future.
The amount of homeless people on our streets is unbelievable and I believe we need to do far more than set up temorary shelters for when it gets too cold to sleep outside. Especially with the Olympics coming and we hear of more and more low income housing tenants being evicted to make room for those that will pay higher rents.
Bleh! I could go on forever on this stuff but I will stop now.. for now.
who was that? another bee in here?? my word...
and it looks like y'all had a hurricane! that is just what it looks like here after one. and i thought we had all the homeless people, y'all have some too? nearly all of ours are addicts of one sort or another. mostly crack and meth now but still some heroin around. they say meth is the worst though. so sad, addiction. it has devistated so many families. trust me, i know.....bee
another Bee, but not an EMPRESS bee!
I've been hearing about your crazy weather!
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